Sorry for the long absence, I have been very busy at work lately and have not had time to blog.
To get you up to date:
La Preciosa had her birthday on September 16 and being the star that she is she pulled a Paris Hilton and had 3 days of partying.
Party #1- We had friends over on Saturday to celebrate...had LOTS of fun, with good friends, little ones, good food, and birthday cake (made by Spandex Woman...Yummy)
Party #2- Went over to in-laws and celebrated with them by having a bar-b-q and sitting outside with La Preciosa playing on the grass. She helped her grandfather by pulling out as much grass as her little hands could grasp.
Party #3- Had the moms and tots from my mom group over to our place to was very nice to see them and for La Preciosa to hang out with her friends.
By the end I was exhausted and now I have training all week and lots of work to catch up.
I would like to say here on the blog..
Thank you to all who came to celebrate La Preciosa's first Birthday with us.
Break is over and have to get back to my training, I will post some more stuff later on.
ciao everyone